
Tools to help those that provide life-sustaining services for people who evacuate before disaster strikes.
Image showing highlights of Sheltering feature

What is Sheltering?

Emergency management sheltering provides life-sustaining services in a safe, sanitary, and secure environment for survivors affected by disasters and people who evacuate before disaster strikes.

The accessible facilities provide comfort, food, water, information, and sleeping accommodations to meet the immediate disaster-caused needs of individuals, families, and communities. Core services are provided in every shelter, and situational services are provided based on the client's needs.

Our tools assist emergency management in providing sheltering operations.

example of a sheltering registration form


Whether your organization wants to enable your community members to register or if your team handles registration, you can customize your registration forms using Form Builder to capture all the information needed to provide sheltering to community members.

Status Management

Assign individual status to each person to indicate where they are in the sheltering process using a list of color-coded statuses that can be created and maintained and easily change/assign status to groups of individuals.

example changing field order in Form Builder
example of selecting a language for AI Translator to translate a Form Builder form

Bus Status Managment

Independent of the person's status, each individual can have a color-coded Bus Status indicating where they are regarding transportation to or from shelters that can be created and maintained and easily change/assign status to groups of individuals.

Searching, Reporting, Export of Information

Search for community members by status, bus status, and first or last name with the option to export information when needed.

example a downloadable qr code and link to share through SMS or email
example of selecting a language for AI Translator to translate a Form Builder form


Whether it is the EOC or other emergency management leadership, quickly gaining an overview of sheltering activities provides situational awareness and enables informed decision-making.