Information and Notification Center (INC/FRC/FFRC)

Reliable, validated information is an overwhelming need right after an incident occurs.
Image showing highlights of Information and Notification Center (INC/FRC/FFRC) feature

What is an Information and Notification Center (INC/FRC/FFRC)?

Victims need to know what happened, where they can go for safety, where and how they will be united with their support systems, and how to access services. Families and friends of presumed victims will be looking for information on the safety and whereabouts of their loved ones. An INC provides a common gathering place, information, and basic support services for survivors and families.

Our tools assist emergency management in INC operations.

Transitioning from Family Reunification to Information and Notification Center

Our first product was introduced as a Family Reunification Service. It focuses on providing tools for the heroes to help locate and reunite family members following a mass casualty event. We've worked with emergency management professionals across the country and learned that they are moving away from using the term Family Reunification in favor of the Information and Notification Center. As an organization, we want to align ourselves with the terminology these professionals use to make it easy to find, understand, and provide industry-changing benefits.

example of a person to locate intake form

Customizable Formss

We've predefined a basic intake form that collects the minimum information needed to begin locating a person. This is often enough, but if additional information is needed, we also have a detailed intake form modeled after the information collected by law enforcement. Using Form Builder, intake forms can be completely customized, and the following can be added or removed with a single click:

  • Photo/Image collection
  • Reporting Person
  • Special Needs

Status Management

We've predefined a list of commonly used statuses, but the list is 100% customizable. Each status has a color that can be assigned as a visual indicator to the emergency management team and EOC.

example changing field order in Form Builder
example of Marked Safe features

Marked Safe

When a person is reported missing and is contacted or found by friends or family, we provide the tools for the family and/or the person reported missing to mark themselves safe. This feature saves time and enables the emergency management team to focus on those still missing.

Duplicate Request Management

Inevitably, more than one person will report the same person missing. We provide AI tools that help identify duplicates and manual processes to compare and merge requests to reduce the emergency management team's unnecessary efforts to locate people.

example of comparing possible duplicates
example of connect request to other organizations


During an event that affects the community, multiple organizations may need to provide help locating missing people. Our Connect feature enables organizations to work together by sharing searchable data through a private, secure network, increasing effectiveness exponentially!


Whether it is the EOC or INC management, quickly seeing an overview of how many people have been reported missing and where they are in the process of being located provides situational awareness and enables informed decision-making.

example of the Dashboard for INC